
Entry (1/2)1  firina
Root  2  firy
Part of speech  3  passive verb
Explanations in Malagasy  4  [1.1] Zaraina firy?: Hofirina itỳ amalona itỳ?
Explanations in English  5  [1.2] to be divided into how many?
6  Present :
7  Past :
8  Future :
9  Imperative :

Entry (2/2)10  firina
Root  11  firy
Part of speech  12  adjective
Explanations in Malagasy  13  [1.1] Mangatsiaka
Explanations in English  14  [1.2] cold; barren, applied to a tract of country.
Analogs  15  tanyfirina
Compound words 

Anagrams  17  fairin, faniry, fariny, finari, finira, firain, firani, firany, firina, ifiran, nifira, nirafy, rafiny, rifany

Updated on 2025/01/21